Thursday, October 31, 2013

Climate Change Impacts

Regional Climate Projections:
         The annual average temperature in Europe is supposed to increase more than the global mean.  Most of this warming will occur in the winter, especially in Northern Europe.  All the temperatures are predicted to rise over the average winter and summer temperature. The annual rate of precipitation is also predicted to increase in Northern Europe as well.  But in Central Europe, it is predicted to increase in the summer, but decrease in the winter.  The longevity of snow seasons will fall shorter as well in both Northern and Central Europe.  Also the level at which the snow falls will decrease as well.  Creating less snow fall. In those parts of Europe that are presently snow-covered in winter, a decrease in snow cover is likely to produce a positive feedback, increasing the rise in temperatures. Variations in the atmospheric circulation effects the European climate drastically.  An example of this would be the heat wave that went through Central Europe in August of 2002.  It created dry earth in Europe, so when the cyclone season came through, many parts of Europe were flooded.
           For the first time, large amounts of climate changes are being documented.  These events of changes are glacial melting, longer seasons, and health issues due to heat waves that were not expected.  In Northern Europe however there are possible benefits that  can come from this.  These benefits being increased crop growth and increased forrest growth.  Although these things are positive, over time the negative effects with outweigh the positive ones.  

          Below are the impacts, adaptations, and vulnerabilities of Europe according the the intergovernmental panel on climate change.  For the first time, wide ranging impacts of changes in current climate have been documented in Europe: the warming trend and the changes in rainfall have created a shift in the Cryosphere and also natural and non-natural ecosystems.  Climate-related hazards will most likely increase, although changes will vary geographically: winter floods and flash flooding is likely to increase in all of Europe.  Rising sea levels threatens about 1.6 million people because of the increased about of sea storms.  More drier climates will lead to more droughts spread out through the country. These droughts will increase the risk of fire immensely.  Without measures taking place, health hazards come into play as well.  These hazards including heatstroke and food-borne diseases.  Climate change is likely to magnify regional differences in Europe's natural resources and assets:  Some climate occurrences are making scientists believe that significant warming will occur in the winter in the North and in the summer in the Southern and Central parts of Europe.  The yearly mean of precipitation is likely to increase in the North and decrease in the South.  The ability to grow crops will increase in the Northern parts of Europe, but decrease along the Mediterranean.  Water stress will increase, as well as the number of people lving the the river basins under high water stress: water stress is predicted to increase in the southern and central parts of Europe.  This prediction will likely increase from 19% now to 35% in the 2070's.  Some parts of southern Europe where hotter summers will occur can have a water stress level increased up to 80%. It is predicted that Europe's ecosystems and biodiversity will be substantially affected by climate change.  The great majority of organisms and ecosystems are likely to have difficulty in adapting to climate change: sea level rise is predicted to increase migration inward and a loss of up to 20% of coastal wetlands.  This rise will take away many habitats for organisms that live in low lying coastal areas.  Glaciers will also take a toll.  The small glaciers are predicted to melt away completely and the bigger glaciers are predicted to melt at avery rapid pace. Even permafrost is predicted to completely disappear.  Mountainous plants are likely to take a high toll as well.  They are likely to take a toll of up to 60%.  Many of Europe's flowers will become vulnerable to endangerment and even extinction by the end of the century.  Climate change is estimated to pose challenges to many European economic sectors and is expected to alter the distribution of economic activity: agriculture will have to adapt  to the increased water demand for irrigation in the south.  Electricity demand is likely to peak in some locations from winter to summer.  Tourism is likely to decrease as well along the Mediterranean and up in the mountain regions.  


  1. It is terrifying that their water stress could go up 80%! I am curious to see what they do to manage the water stress and supply!

  2. This is a very interesting post. It is astounding how quickly the weather anomalies have increased around Europe. With the quantity of people in such confined area it seems that will naturally lead the way in techno-optimist discoveries to solve eminent problems like the stresses on the natural ecology and fresh water supply.

  3. Its not good that the organisms and ecosystems are going to be affected by the global climate change issues. We are going to need to fix this, or risk more extinction!
